
Chief Executive Officer:
Happison Chikova is a holder of a Degree in Geography and Environmental Studies with the Midlands State University. He also holds a Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship. Happison is currently pursuing an online Master of Science Degree on Global Food Security and Nutrition with the University of Edinburgh- Scotland under the Master Card Foundation Scholarship. Chikova is a former research fellow on climate change, that was funded by the IRDC/START under the University of Dar Es Salaam. He has published climate change and agriculture related papers in international journals. Chikova has presented climate change agriculture related papers at international forum as a way to foster and contributes towards the existing policy and legislative frameworks.
Over the past 12 years, Happison has managed to source small, medium and large agribusiness and business-related grants for Breadline Africa, UNICEF, UN- Habitat Urban Youth Fund, YETT, COSV, DVV, IDRC, USADF and Heifer International. As the General Manager of Kupakwashe Cattle Fattening Cooperative Society. Happison has managed to develop sound and robust management and financial management systems over the past years. He has managed to come up with business models in the beef industry that are tailor made to improve the food security and nutrition level for smallholder farmers as well as improving the income levels for farmers. The business models are also meant to generate profits for the sustenance of the business.

Finance Director:
Komborero Madzvova is a bona fide accountant who holds a Degree in Accounting with the Chinhoyi University of Science and Technology. Komborero has three years of working experience as an accountant under Kupakwashe Cattle Fattening Cooperative Society. He is the one who set up accounting systems for the Farm Cooperative including migrating from the use of hard paper to Pastel Accounting system. Komborero has experience in working with international funded projects such as Heifer International, YETT and USADF.

Operations Director:
Babra Dube holds a Certificate and Diploma in Agriculture with Chipinge Collage of Horticulture. She has over seven years of experience in business development and Management. She was responsible in setting up business management systems including setting up wholesale and retail facilities at Kupakwashe

Raymond Machikicho holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Economics with the Midlands State University. He also holds a Masters of Business Management with the Edinburgh Business School, Herriot-Watt University, Scotland. Raymond has experience in Agribusiness projects with the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. He has experience with on education training on Agri – Economics.